Commerce City Rotary's 1st Inductee for 2012-13
Dave Rolla, Treasurer and Member of District 14 Board of Education became the first new member for Commerce City Rotary in 2012-13 which marks 41 Rotarians.. For several decades, Dave was a teacher in Adams City High School and now is retired to devote his time to serving the citizens of Commerce City. Dave’s induction was quite special as three of his past students and Rotarians assisted with the induction. Amy Neurauter, CCRC Past President presented Dave with his Rotary pin, as Mayor Sean Ford, water consultant; Joe Frei, of Al Frei & Sons; and President George Maybee presented the 4-part induction.
Norm Union was the Rotarian of the Day(ROD) and introduced his guest speakers with the Independent Institute. Next week’s ROD will by Derell Younger and his program will be Bryan Wright, the new Adams City High School Principal. August is the month of Rotary International's Membership Development and Extension.