Message to our community |
Rotary State of the State Luncheon |
Community Parters Present![]() Melissa Santizo with Early Childhood Support Partnership of Adams County, Whitney Gustin Connor with Kids First Health Care, and Ellie Burbee with Kids In Need of Dentistry spoke with Members on Wednesday, January 22. |
Thank you for attending the 2019 Vet-to-Vet Tribute Dinner![]() Thank you for attending the Commerce City Rotary 2019 Vet-to-Vet Tribute Dinner! We had the honor of serving close to 200 veterans and their families. Thank you for attending and for your service! Additional thanks to our co-sponsors City Government of Commerce City and Community Reach Center and our partners Adams City High School Interact Club, South Adams County Fire Department, Heather LaCrue, Reunion Coffee House, Village Inn-Brighton, Andrew Singers & Joe Peterson Orchestra and the many Rotarian's for your “Service Above Self”. |
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards![]() Isabelle Scanlon shares about her experience at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program. |
Teen Mental Health Guidebook![]() Adams City High School Interact Club members created a bilingual Mental Health guidebook for their peers. They'll be presenting their work at the Adams 14 Board Meeting on November 12 and speaking at High Schools across the Metro Denver area. Great work, Interact Club! |
Commerce City Rotary in Adams 14 Schools |
District Governor Curt Harris visits Commerce City Rotary |
27th Annual Golf Tournament |
Welcome to the New Rotary YearWelcome to the new Rotary year! I want to make this year the year of "Doing." "Making a Difference" is this year's theme. Work Days We will be doing something at least once a month for a non-profit. If you have or know of a non-profit who might need some help folding mailers, stuffing envelopes, putting together kits, let me know. The third Wednesday of the month has been designated as "Work Day" for these extra help days. Also on these days, committees can meet during this time or learn about other committees they have interest. Please, keep this in mind. These "Work Days" will also be a great day for a prospective member to see "Rotarians in Action." We want to streamline our membership process. If a person wants to join our dynamic club, they must first fill out an application. It will be read at the monthly board meeting on the third Wednesday of the month for its approval. It will be read to the membership for the next three weeks and then will be inducted on the third Wednesday of the month. During this process, the prospective member may attend the three meetings, but they will required to pay for all meals. They are NOT required to attend meetings during this time. The sponsor may be willing to pay for this on to their quarterly invoice. Speakers Last year, some members were not happy with the speakers we were having and some members wanted to bring the "Rotarian of the Day" back. So, we are going to be a little retro! All members have been assigned a day, in which, they are the "Rotarian of the Day," and will be responsible for a great speaker for the day. The Rotarian will be responsible for the invocation or inspiring quote, leading the Pledge of Allegiance, lead the 4-Way Test and let the group know as little or as much as you want Rotary to know. (Dick, you only get five minutes.) Its all up to you, then you will introduce your speaker. We need to know more about our fellow Rotarians. History Our club is 57-years-old and Dick Stevenson is its oldest current member. When I was in Atlanta this summer, I purchased a book about Rotary's history and he will give our club a little history lesson when he attends our club. Rotarian Susan Frew will also be updating Facebook with interesting tidbits about Rotary. She will also be reminding all of us to check in on Facebook for more exposure to our club. Rotary Proud Wednesday is YOUR Rotary Day and on this day, I would like all of us to be "Rotary Proud." This means, wear your Rotary shirts, scarves, hats, but more importantly, your pins. We all have them, please wear these on Wednesdays. Be PROUD that you are a member of the best Rotary Club in our District, in our Zone, in our Country and maybe in the world. I really want all of us to "Make a Difference" locally, nationally and globally. And be, "Service Above Self." Rhonda, President |
Making a Difference 2017-2018 Theme![]() This year the 2017-2018 Rotary International Theme is "Making a Difference." How will you "Make a Difference" this year? Think about it and make your difference starting tomorrow! |
Suncor Energy Supports Rotary Scholarship Golf TournamentCommerce City Rotary Foundation 21st Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 9. This long-running golf tournament will begin with a 7:30 AM shot-gun start at the Buffalo Run Golf Course. Rotary is pleased to announce that the tournament is “sold out”.
Golf Tournament Provides Scholarship Funding for District 14 StudentsAccording to Treasurer, Arlo Anderson the net proceeds for this year's Commerce City Rotary Foundation Golf Tournament was $15,890 – President George Maybee gives a big thank you on behalf of the Commerce City Rotary Club and Foundatiion to Golf Chair Joe Frei, his committee and many volunteers who made it successful. Each year, since the golf tournament’s inception, 100% of the net proceeds go toward providing scholarships to deserving Adams City and Lester Arnold High School students. Over the past two decades, more than forty worthy students have received either a four or two year scholarship so that they have the opportunity to continue their post high school education. Many of these past students have graduated from college and are now respected business and educational leaders giving back to the community. THANK YOU ALL. |
JM Conveyor Service Wins 1st at Golf TournamentThe 20th Annual Commerce City Rotary Foundation Golf Tournament was held Wed, August 29 at the Buffalo Run Golf Course. Albert Frei and Sons, a long-time Commerce City Sand and Gravel Company, was the Gold Sponsor of the scholarship fundraising tournament along with the following sponsors: Tectra Tech, Inc, Shell Oil, CACI Asphalt & Concrete, City of Commerce City, Colorado Business Bank, Adams School District 14, Tom Calabrese Trucking Inc., Mountain States Crane, RAC Transport, South Adams Water & Sanitation, Riggi Oil, Power Motive, JM Conveyor Service, Younger Brothers Lumber, Brannan Sand and Gravel, United Power, Schroeder & Associates, CCBPA, Superior Trailer & A-J Sales, Key Bank, Honnen Equipment, 1st Colorado Insurors/Nash Insurance Agency, Citywide Banks, Trailblazer Trailers, CAP Land and George & Sharon Maybee. Chairman Frei congratulations and presents the first place award to JM Conveyor Service. The Rotary Club appreciates the sound support that each business and professional puts forth annually towards the scholarship fundraising tournament. |
Maybee Receives Governor’s Discretionary Award |
Many Hands Make Work More Fun.The Commerce City Rotary Club assembled more than 600 – five piece dental kits for all first grade children in Adams School District 14. Each year, through the Avenue of Community Service, Rotary members provide funding and volunteer time in order for help educate children in seven schools on dental hygiene by providing this important dental kit. |
Commerce City Rotary Club 50th Anniversary!!!![]() In celebration of Commerce City Rotary Club's golden anniversary, you're invited to come celebrate! Saturday, May 07, 2011 Registration/Check-in: 5:30 pm Cocktails/Social: 6:00 pm Dinner/Program: 7:00 pm More inforamtion, register and pre-pay please visit... |
2010 Rotarian of the YearCommerce City Rotary Club is proud to announce their Rotarian of the Year. Maria Carabajal received the prestigious award from outgoing Rotary President Debbie Leopold in recognition of her distinguished service, loyalty and devotion to the ideals of Rotary. Congratulations, Maria!
Commerce City Rotary Club and ACHS Students Give BackCommerce City, CO, (March 3, 2010) - On February 10, 2010, at Werth Manor Event Center, the Commerce City Rotary Club hosted a dinner at which Adams City High School's (ACHS) Interact Club presented a check for $1,000 to the ShelterBox organization to pay for one Shelterbox.At the dinner, every Interact student received a certificate of appreciation that reads, "ShelterBox Appreciates Your Work Towards the Purchase of the ShelterBox. To provide warmth, shelter, and dignity to people in need post a disaster." s, a water purification kit, a cook stove and cooking utensils, tools, and other vital items. ShelterBoxes are sponsored by service clubs, Rotary Clubs , school and church groups, businesses and individuals throughout the U.S. and around the world. Interact students used a variety of fundraising strategies to raise the $1,000 including selling handmade Indian tacos at Adams City High School and Riggi Oil and selling various items including Denver Broncos scarves, candy, soda, and corn-on-the-cob-in-a-cup to ACHS students. The Adams City High School Interact Club is a service club for young people ages 14-18 years old. Sponsored by the Commerce City Rotary Club, the Interact Club gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and making new friends. The Commerce City Rotary Club provides guidance and inspiration, but the Interact Club is self-governing and self-supporting. The ACHS Interact Club implements several community service projects every year.Through these efforts, "Interacters" learn the importance of developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advancing international understanding and goodwill. When asked what their favorite thing is about belonging to Interact, students responded by saying, "Interact is like a family. It teaches me to be a better person. My favorite part is the friendships we've built and seeing people in the community smile every time we help them." Debbie Leopold, President of the Commerce City Rotary Club, said it best when she concluded the evening by telling the youngsters, "I am in awe of the level of maturity and loving kind hearts of you Interact students. About Commerce City Rotary Club - Commerce City Rotary Club is a local chapter of Rotary International. Rotary International is the world's first service club organization with more than 1.2 million members in 33,790 clubs worldwide. Commerce City Rotary Club began in 1961 and is celebrating 48 years of service. Rotary Club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto "Service Above Self". About Interact-Interact is an international organization that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship and promotes international understanding and peace. It gives students the opportunity to be involved in community life and develop skills to become responsible and productive members of society. The name was created by combining the words "international" and "action." The first Interact club was initiated in 1962 by the Rotary Club of Melbourne, Florida. Two months later, the first Interact club outside the United States was established in Tanjore, India. Today there are more than 10,700 clubs in 110 countries with an estimated membership of 200, |
“Taste of the Grape” Rotary SocialFor those that did not attend the Rotary’s 2nd annual wine-tasting at Balistreri Vineyards, you missed a superb evening of tasting traditionally hand-crafted wines, a four-course buffet and enjoyable social. The combined social was sponsored by the Rotaries of Commerce City and Brighton Early. A thank you goes to CCRC’s Julie for organizing the event and Balistreri’s Julie for providing a tour of the winery and the wonderful wines and buffet. |
Annual Rotary Family PicnicRotarians and their families enjoyed the hospitality at the Frei’s family lake during the Rotary’s Annual Family Picnic. Future Rotarians kept Joe busy driving the boat the entire Sunday as they enjoyed the many water activities. It was the largest gathering of Rotarian families and their children in a number of years - Great food and a fun time were had by all. |
Gutru HonoredRon Gutru was awarded an honorary membership to the Rotary Club of Commerce City on Sept 5 by President George Maybee. Ron, a Commerce City Rotarian since 1967 and President in 1973-74, was the longest living member of the club with over 45 years of service. Ron continued to be active by playing the piano during the welcome and singing portion of the weekly meetings for over four decades and is a Paul Harris Fellow and Paul Harris Sustaining member for over thirty years. Ron has now moved to Nebraska to be with his elder daughter. Thank you Ron for all your years of Service Above Self.
MORE PEACHESAlong with the pre-ordered sales, a new adventure was selling peaches at the Mile High Flea Market, over 80 boxes were sold by Rhonda, Liz, Arlo and Sharon - many times it was “ONE PEACH AT A TIME”. Thanks Rotarians the total net proceeds came to over $3,200. |
Annual Peach and Pear SalesThe Rotary Club of Commerce City held their annual fundraiser of Palisade Colorado peach & pear sales; over 600 boxes of peaches and pears were pre-ordered sales - the top sales award went to Julie McCollam who sold & delivered over 110 boxes. President George presented the “Peach Queen Julie” with her very own tiara and home-made peach pie. |
Fond Farewell to Joyce WaldroopRotarians enjoyed a Sunday reception and last laugh with Joyce Waldroop as she leaves Colorado to embark on a new life’s adventure. |
Take Me Out to the BallgameRotarian Rhonda and husband, Kevin Hathaway, plus 28 other Rotarians enjoy an evening at the Rockies too bad the score wasn’t in our favor. |
CCRC Assists CHSRotarian Orozco and Maria Zubia prepares to assist students and parents with Community Health Services clinic forms.
World Peace Fellow Program UpdateWorld Peace Fellows Pantea Beigi and Imal Momand meet with Commerce City Rotary President George Maybee as they attend the Rotary International Convention in Bangkok.
Purchase Fruit for your Family while Supporting Children’s Worth-While Projects |
Commerce City Rotary's 1st Inductee for 2012-13Dave Rolla, Treasurer and Member of District 14 Board of Education became the first new member for Commerce City Rotary in 2012-13 which marks 41 Rotarians.. For several decades, Dave was a teacher in Adams City High School and now is retired to devote his time to serving the citizens of Commerce City. Dave’s induction was quite special as three of his past students and Rotarians assisted with the induction. Amy Neurauter, CCRC Past President presented Dave with his Rotary pin, as Mayor Sean Ford, water consultant; Joe Frei, of Al Frei & Sons; and President George Maybee presented the 4-part induction.
Commerce City Rotary Receives Two Rotary International Presidential Awards. |
Commerce City Rotary Receives Literacy AwardThe Rotary Club of Englewood is pleased to award the 2011-2012 District 5450 Literacy Award to the Rotary Club of Commerce City. We were especially impressed with its newest program that helped highly at-risk middle school students understand the Four-Way Test and apply it to their lives and environments. Rotarians met with 16 students twice a week after school for 6 weeks. The program culminated with students writing and presenting their own definitions of the words of the Four-Way Test, and what they meant to them. The students were highly engaged, and their parents were so excited for them that they connected with the Rotarians on Facebook. |
Topic on Hotspots and US Foreign Policy Featured at Weekly MeetingRotarian of the day, Inder Nayar, CPA with Nayar and Company provided a most interesting speaker and important topic. Nayar introduced his friend, Professor Ved P Nanda, Chair of International Affairs and Foreign Policy at Denver University spoke on several hotspots in today’s world. Nanda’s presentation included North Korea and its failed rocket launching and its future repercussions; Iran and the sanctions by the UN, US, and Europe and implications for US Foreign Policy; and lastly Syria and the unraveling deal Kofi Annan struck and what choices US will have in the future. |
President Neurauter Presents Honorary MembershipVivian Nickle, wife of long-time Commerce City Rotarian Carroll Nickle, was presented a honorary membership for her commitment to Rotary. A lifetime partner and an official chauffeur to Carroll, Vivian truly shows what "Family of Rotary" is all about. President Amy presented the honor to Vivian at the Club's weekly meeting on April 11.
Commerce City Rotary Membership Surges - Members Share the Rotary Experience While Having FunThis year a milestone occurred in the Commerce City Rotary Club resulting in increased diversified membership. With the help of the Club’s membership team the club grew by 23% from 35 to 43 members. There is a positive attitude among all members whether they are a retired member of 39 years or a young professional member of 39 days. They are bringing in many prospects which have turned into numerous enthusiastic members. Membership has become infectious. Each new member changes the Club’s dynamics in regards to fresh ideas, talent and skills. Membership Shrinks to 32: In August, our Rotary had much sadness, the club loses three members. Albert Frei lost his battle with Ataxia, a long-term illness. Al was owner and CEO of Albert Frei and Sons and an active Rotarian for thirty-one years. John Lange, former SD14 Superintendent of Schools and 16 year active member transferred to a club in his home area. The last member to resign was program chair, Zac Morgan from Commerce City Key Bank who was transferred to the Greeley Key Bank. Membership Grows: The membership team had their work cut out for them since the enrollment was down to 32 members; subsequently an incentive program was installed and the team’s emphasis was to identify prospects and invite them to a FREE LUNCH. This was followed up with six membership orientation receptions. Early in October the first new member induction was held for Nebiyu (Neb) Asfaw, Verizon Communications Project Manager (sponsor Sharon Maybee). Neb is active in his Church, Toastmasters and Junior Achievement. Since his induction, Neb has volunteered with several projects including the club’s middle school hand-shaking project, 3rd grade school dictionary handout and supporting five families in the Heart & Sole Shoe Project. In November two additional members were inducted. Enrique Orozco, owner and agent of the Farmers Insurance Agency (sponsor George Maybee). Enrique is from Monterey Mexico, current member of Access Housing Board, and past executive director of humanitarian nonprofits. Enrique experienced his first Rotary volunteer project with the Heart & Sole Shoe Project: in two hours he assisted 58 Spanish-speaking children that were fitted for shoes, socks, caps and gloves. Enrique’s comment: “Nothing like going from the fry pan to the fire - What an exciting and meaningful project”. Orozco is attending the RI Convention in Bangkok this May. Maggie Jones, owner of Quebec Liquors, (sponsor Joe Frei) is one of our Rotary’s many young members and community volunteer who came in knowing what is needed for Commerce City. Immediately Maggie displayed the Rotary’s Heart and Sole flyer in her store and suggested that her customers contribute to the shoe project and she would match it. Within a week, she had raised and pledged over $250 plus talked with one of her customers into attending Rotary’s FREE LUNCH to check out our club. In December, Sean Ford, water broker and Mayor of Commerce City (sponsor Amy Neurauter) became our 4th new member. Sean a graduate of SD #14 and grew up in a Rotary family. Sean is a Paul Harris Fellow, a brother to many past Rotary foreign exchange students which his parents hosted and he also knows what Rotary can do for the citizens of his city. He too, invited a member of the community to a FREE LUNCH and guess what? In January, RashPal Singh, owner entrepreneur of six convenient stores (sponsor Sean Ford) was inducted as our 5th newest member. RashPal is past vice-president of the Colorado Singh Sabba Temple where he provides much leadership and strong volunteerism in the local community which extends throughout the world. Kathy D’Amico, President of Commerce City Key Bank (sponsor George Maybee) became the 38th member of the club. Similar to each new member, RashPal and Kathy bring new dynamics in regards to broader perspectives and leadership that will provide more opportunities for community and international projects. The month of February was outstanding – five new members were approved and inducted to the Commerce City Rotary’s “Family”. William (Will) Milligan, owner of Mile High Security Locksmith (sponsor Maggie Jones) joined in early February and has not stopped working on his Red Badge requirements. Will, his wife Audrey and 3 of their 6 children participated in the Club’s International Work Party. Will drilled holes in water filters while Audrey and their children packed books for Mongolia, British Columbia and Christmas Island. Elizabeth (Liz) Anderson, nonprofit director retired (sponsor Arlo Anderson) became the 8th newest member in Commerce City Rotary. Liz is active in her church, family and her passion is music. Liz is the past District 5450 Office Manager and is excited to help distribute library books in BC Canada this June. Yolanda Gotier, M.S.W. Executive Director of Alternatives to Family Violence (sponsors Maria Carabajal, Joyce Waldroop and Sharon Maybee) is a leader in her career field. Yolanda is active in the Commerce City BPA and as a new Rotary member will be attending the District Leadership Institute with 9 other peers of the Club. Ronald Newell, President of Superior Trailers and Larry Ford, Retired Executive Director of SACWSD renewed their membership in Rotary (sponsor George Maybee). Both Larry and Ron are past presidents and have given greatly to the community through Rotary. The Club looks forward to having their leadership once again in many community projects. Each week business and professional individuals are invited to visit the club with a FREE LUNCH card. They also receive an information packet to see for themselves the enthusiasm and dedication of each club member. The members are truly reflected of and relevant to the community we serve. |
Welcome to Commerce City Rotary Club!
Last month, Commerce City's own Rotary Club purchased and distributed free new dictionaries to over 700 third grade students who attend eight elementary schools in historic Commerce City. Rotary volunteers visited every 3rd grade classroom and hand-delivered the dictionaries to the students who were thrilled to receive them. Also in the holiday spirit, the Commerce City Rotary Club sponsored the 17th Annual "Hearts and Soles" Program that purchases new shoes for local children in need. During the month of December, the Commerce City Rotary Club purchased shoes, socks, and boots for over 500 impoverished children in the Adams County School District 14 attendance area. Families were referred to the program by schools and social service agencies. Rotary members made appointments to meet families at the local Wal-Mart where the families selected footwear for their children at no cost to them, up to $25 per child. In the words of one mother, "Thanks to the Rotary Club, my children had a smile this year!" These projects are among many service projects that Rotary does to benefit the Commerce City community including a Dental Hygiene Kit Project and a School Supply Drive. Funds for these projects are generated through annual fundraising events including a trap shoot and golf tournament. For more information about how to get involved or support the Commerce City Rotary Club, please contact Sharon Maybee at 303-655-9831 or About Commerce City Rotary Club - Commerce City Rotary Club is a local chapter of Rotary International. Rotary International is the world's first service club organization with more than 1.2 million members in 33,790 clubs worldwide. Commerce City Rotary Club began in 1961 and is celebrating 51 years of service. Rotary Club members volunteer locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto "Service Above Self". |
Commerce City Rotary Supports CHS Dental Kits |
5th Annual Commerce City Rotary Club Trap & Sporting Clays Invitational. Sunday, June 13, 2010 at Colorado Clays - Brighton, COEagle Scouts will present colors and members of armed services will be honored at this event..we can never repay them for their service! Registration: 9:00 am, Shoot: 10:00 am & Buffalo Soldiers: 1:30pm. Lunch & Prized to follow. Drawing for 2 shotguns and over $3,000 in cash and prizes!! All proceeds to benefit the Commerce City Rotary Club Foundation/Youth Programs. To register contact Colorado Clays 303.659.7117 or email . For more information contact Lisa Riggi 303.332.6575 or Joyce Waldroop 720.232.6161. Fish and Wildlife from Rocky Mountain Arsenal will have displays and gifts. |
Christmas Island "Fish Tales" - February 2010Check out the latest Christmas Island "Fish Tales" update! |
Rotary's End Polio Now Challenge |
Friends of Christmas Island - Fish Tales” - July09![]() Click on link to view full story |
Shelter Box![]() See info on Rotary's Shelter Box Program by clicking on the link below... |
Rotary Youth ExchangeClick on Rotary Youth Exchange under useful links to see their up dated Web Page....... and learn more about Rotaries' Youth Exchange Program... |
Friends of Christmas Island -"Fish Tales"Click on below link for full story |
Rotary Club Trap Shoot![]() June 14, 2009 at Colorado Clays in Brighton, Colorado..... Look for more information to come..... Click on link to see flyer |
Rotary Car Show - May 31 |
Rotary Makeups on E-Club![]() Need a make up, click on the link below.......... Additional attending Rotary Board Meetings, Rotary Special Events (i.e. golf tournament, picnic) and Interact are also considered a make-up. Please be sure that you are communicating to Derrell if you have make-up. REMEMBER...Attendance is Important (quoted by Lisa Riggi, Commerce City Rotary President) |
How secure is all this data?![]() No need to worry. ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies.
Welcome to our new website!We are all excited to see how ClubRunner will revolutionize the way we manage our day to day club activities, as well as communicate more effectively.